In the holy month of Ramadan, we would like to wish all of our Muslim families and supporters a spiritual and fulfilling month, blessed with an abundance of rewards.
It is also the month of giving, and we would ask you to look close to home and consider supporting local charities like Derian House, where we look after babies, children and young people with life-limiting conditions from across the North West.
At Derian House, we help families to make the most of every moment and create precious memories together.
But we cannot do this without your support and donations.

Aaminah’s Story
Aaminah, 13, began visiting Derian House in October 2023.
Her mum Fatema, 46, of Blackburn, said: “I want people to know how much of a difference Derian House has made to us. My youngest daughter Aaminah has complex needs and epilepsy, and so she requires care all the time. She visits Derian House for overnight stays, which gives us some time to relax and to spend time with our family. We can even stay at Derian with Aaminah, so we’re not leaving her. We are always with our daughter, and it’s difficult to leave a child who you love, and who is with you all the time.
“I didn’t know about the hospice at first, and it is totally different to what I expected it to be. It has become a second home for us.
“Aaminah enjoys visiting Derian, she loves having company. She has the loveliest smile in the world and is just so happy in herself. Everyone who meets her instantly loves her.
“I’m always looked after when I go to Derian. I have so much trust in everyone there. We have a fantastic bond with the staff, they’re all so lovely. I have also had support from Fazila, the family counsellor, who is really helpful.
“As a parent, you want the comfort of knowing your beloved child is going to be safe and cared for. I know and trust that Derian House is a very safe place for my daughter.”
Maariyah’s Story
My name is Maariyah Kadu and I am a 20-year-old Broadcast Journalism student. I live with my mum, dad, sister and brother.
I started visiting Derian House when I was 14 to start hydrotherapy in the pool, but shortly after, I was invited to Friday Night Clubs, and the Youth Forum, which I very much enjoyed being part of.
Derian helps me as previously, I didn’t have any friends with disabilities, who knew what I was going through, so I had someone to talk to who understands.
My favourite thing about Derian House is how the staff are so nice and will exceed the minimum to support you. I also love how no two days are the same at Derian: one day you could be chilling in the cinema room watching a movie, and another day you could be out shopping, and going bowling.
Derian House is not your typical hospice. People may think hospices’ are all about sadness and grief, but that’s not true at all. Derian celebrates children’s and young people’s lives rather than focusing on the after.
A message I’d like to give in Ramadan is never forget to spend this sacred time with your family, and don’t forget those who may not be as fortunate in life as you. Always give to charity during this special time, and stay humble when remembering others.

With Your Help...
What could your donation mean to a family like Aaminah’s & Maariyah’s at Derian House?