Meet Andy

Andy Chatt
My role as a trustee is to ensure that the organisation is governed correctly, spends the amazing donations that we receive in line with the charities purpose and to make sure we are stable and able to deliver our services well into the future. There’s so much that goes on in the running of a charity like Derian but as a Trustee we must make sure that we do not cross the line into the day to day running. We have a great team that do that bit! Derian has a mix of trustee’s with various backgrounds. Although we all challenge each aspect of the organisation, my experience tends to mean that I can offer advice on financial aspects and generating income (we need a lot of income to run!).
What did you want to be when you grew up?
I’m not sure I can remember that far back! I spent most of my time kicking a ball of some variety around, but at some point I’m sure I wanted to be a marine biologist! In the end I gained a Law Degree as I felt it would give me multiple skills to set me up for when I eventually found a career path. I ultimately settled into the logistics industry, particularly around specialist relocation projects. I am now the sales director at the UK’s leading specialist commercial relations company. My time is split between strategic direction, coaching and supporting my team and engaging with people.
What’s the best thing about being on the Board of Trustees here at Derian House?
Definitely seeing the smile on the faces of the children that use the services.
Tell us about a favourite moment.
There’s a raft of wonderful moments. Some people think Derian is a sad place, but it’s totally the opposite. We see amazing contributions from people and companies who donate and do lots of amazing things to raise money. I hear powerful stories from our staff who share their experiences and stories and we see great initiatives such as our “Say my child’s name” campaign. However, it would still be seeing on of the children smiling while they do something fun.
What makes you feel proud to be a part of an exciting new chapter at Derian?
Again, there’s lots of stuff, but listening to how we are vital to families who endure massive challenges everyday is it.