Born Survivor

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Born Survivor

09/13/2025 @ - 09/13/2025 @

13 Sep -

Become a Born Survivor!

If you’re after a new physical challenge for you and your friends then look no further than Born Survivor! Make no mistake, Born Survivor’s not your average mud run or obstacle fun day – this is the ultimate military obstacle course challenge!

Born Survivor has quickly become one of the most exciting and innovative obstacle course events in the country. Taking part in a Born Survivor event will test your personal fitness, courage, determination, teamwork and camaraderie to the limit. If you dare take on this adventure you’ll need a stiff upper lip to conquer the challenge alone. We encourage teamwork and even if you don’t enter as a team we know you’ll assist your fellow Survivors in completing the course. But it’s not a race; it’s designed as a challenge for everyone over the age of 16 to tackle at their pace, whatever their ability.

Taking on this ultimate obstacle course for Derian House Children’s Hospice is completely free for our supporters – all we ask is that you raise a minimum of £200 for our children and families via on online giving platform such as JustGiving.

To get muddy and involved fill in the below form and we will get back to as soon as possible – or call the Fundraising team on 01257 271271 today!



Kerry @ Derian
