Derian House is governed by a Board of Trustees
Derian House Children’s Hospice is governed by a Board of Trustees.
They make sure we have good governance – ensuring we have a clear strategy and aims and the right systems and processes in place to keep us moving forward, effective and accountable and meet our charitable objectives.
Our board is made up of experienced professionals with a range of skills to support the charity together with a parent representative. Trustees are all volunteers and in the past twelve months our Trustees have claimed no expenses and give their time freely.
The Trustees’ expertise offer guidance and advice to the Chief Executive and Senior Management Team in delivering the services the hospice provides, making sure quality and sustainability is at the heart of everything we do. Members of the Board of Trustees are also directors under company law.
Board of Trustees Meetings
The Board of Trustees meets, along with members of the Senior Management Team, on a quarterly basis or more frequently if needed. There is an Annual General Meeting (AGM) once a year to approve the year end financial accounts.
Derian House has a clear governance structure, this dictates the process of how we make decisions and how they are put into action. Members of the Board of Trustees chair a series of Sub Committees relevant to their expertise these are:
- Finance and Income.
- Quality, Safety and Improvement.
- HR Strategic
- Audit and Risk
At these meetings key decisions are made based on their delegated authority, these committees report to the board.
Derian House facilities and services are regulated and audited by the Care Quality Commission (CQC)
Fundraising undertaken by Derian House is regulated by the Fundraising Regulator and the Charity Commission, and as a member of the Institute of Fundraising, Derian House works in conjunction with its Code of Practice.
Derian House is a member of Together for Short Lives – the UK organisation for children and young people who are not expected to reach adulthood and their families and a member of Hospice UK the national charity for hospice care.
Need to make a complaint?
Our aim is to deliver the very best care we can do at all times and we sincerely hope that you will never need to complain about Derian House.
But if you do have cause to complain, we ask that you speak to a member of our team straight away to ensure that any immediate action required can be taken.
If you have cause for complaint, we will make sure you will be treated with dignity and respect at all times and that any complaint is:
- Taken seriously
- Fully investigated and dealt with consistently, fairly, sensitively and within clear time frames
- Handled, wherever possible, in a way to maintain the confidentiality of the complainant
- Addressed at the earliest possible stage and in the most appropriate manner
- Seen as a learning process and used to improve our service.
Any handling of a complaint will be in line with CQC Regulation 20: Duty of Candour and Regulation 16 of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014 (Receiving and Acting on Complaints).
All complaints will be in accordance with the Principles of Good Complaint Handling by the Parliament and Health Service Ombudsman.

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